Meet ElderSuite

It Manages Any Adult Day Care Effortlessly.

ElderSuite is the leading Adult Day Care Management Software Available Today.

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ElderSuite's Featured Integrations

ElderSuite features a streamlined structure with 8 specialized modules, designed to organize tasks based on users' needs. Each module is divided into four distinct sections, as illustrated below, ensuring a smooth user experience:

Primary Tasks
This section grants access to the most frequently used tasks within each category, making it easy to navigate and manage essential functions.

Related Activities
This section houses secondary tasks, which, while less frequently used, are still connected to the main category. This allows users to access all relevant functions in one place.

Here, users can find comprehensive documentation related to the available tasks, ensuring a clear understanding of each function and its proper use.

Helpful Links
The final section offers a curated collection of external resources, such as websites, providing additional support and information for users.

With these well-organized modules, ElderSuite streamlines the user experience and promotes efficient management of tasks and resources.

Explore the modules below by clicking on each one to gain a deeper understanding of their features and functionalities.

Image of Adult Day Care Software Module

The Provider Center serves as a centralized hub for managing provider details, documents, employee administration, ElderSuite installation oversight, and more. By consolidating these essential functions in one location, users can efficiently handle all aspects of provider-related operations with ease and precision.

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The Client Center is a dedicated module that facilitates the management of client-related tasks, including overseeing assessments, tracking attendance records, and maintaining transportation logs. This centralized platform streamlines client activity administration, ensuring efficient and organized operations.

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The Nursing Center is a comprehensive module designed to streamline nursing-related tasks, such as managing health assessments, care/service plans, physician's orders, monthly nursing evaluations, medications, diagnoses, treatments, and nursing notes. Furthermore, the module allows users to efficiently organize and update contact information for physicians, pharmacies, and hospitals, ensuring seamless communication and collaboration in healthcare management.

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The Nutrition Center is a specialized module dedicated to the management of the USDA Food Program for Adults. It offers a streamlined approach to handling tasks such as updating food contract information, scheduling meal times, processing meal applications, and maintaining meal records. This focused module ensures efficient administration of the program, contributing to the overall well-being of the adults it serves.

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The Claim Center serves as a dedicated module for managing billing and claims processing tasks. It enables users to efficiently handle various activities, including scrubbing claims, processing claims, reviewing claim reports, and reconciling claims. This focused platform streamlines the claims management process, ensuring accuracy and timely resolution.

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The Report Center is a centralized module that offers users easy access to a wide range of printable reports. These reports are organized into four main categories: Provider Reports, Client Reports, Nursing Reports, and Nutrition Reports. Beyond printing, ElderSuite also supports exporting data, allowing users to view information in spreadsheets or seamlessly transfer it to other systems for creating labels, letters, or various mail merge documents. This versatile module streamlines reporting and data management for enhanced productivity.

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The ElderSuite Scan Manager lies at the core of ElderSuite's digital document management solution. It enables users to effortlessly scan and integrate documents within the platform. By adopting a digital document management approach, users can significantly increase efficiency, reduce costs, and minimize resource consumption. Embracing a paperless office not only streamlines operations but also contributes positively to the environment.

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The Help Center serves as a comprehensive support hub for users, offering a variety of resources to assist with any queries or issues. Users can create Support Tickets for personalized assistance, find answers to frequently asked questions, and access solutions to common problems. Additionally, the Help Center fosters a sense of community through the ElderSuite Community Forums, where users can engage in discussions and share valuable insights with fellow ElderSuite users.

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I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your time and effort. I researched our claims today and they are scheduled to pay! This is a direct result of the extra time and attention you spent helping us. Your efforts are directly Helping us serve the Veterans in our Centers.  Thank you!

Corpus Christi Adult Day Care

I really like how user friendly the platform is. I am able to log my attendance and transportation everyday without having to spend hours away from my clients due to tedious paperwork and repetitive documentation. I love how everything rolls over automatically.

Mi Casa Adult Day Care

I like the simplicity of the program. It is very user friendly.

Agape Day Center for Adults

Great service! The owner will often personally answer questions or ensure another representative addresses all issues in a timely manner!

Young at Heart Adult Day Care

ElderSuite has everything that you need!!!! My Adult Day Care program could not survive without it!!!

Agape Day Center for Adults